Selenium to the rescue. Functional testing is hard – especially where screen content changes based on the user roles, data state, etc. It is rather hard to go through all the scenarios manually. It only gets crazier as the application foothold grows. So, it would be ideal to start automation testing earlier in the development process and if possible to make it as part of the definition of done for a sprint task. In-sprint automation is the best scenario to cover all the scenarios and it takes much more development time if we had to get back to previously developed code. That said, we wrapped up the login/registration pages 2 days back. Today we kicked off the functional automation test suite using Selenium.Following is the video of selenium functional test suite testing the functionality of login and registration pages. We didn’t do a good job with the screen capture video. We will try to get better by next time.
At BundleN, we experiment with stack combinations on our own time.
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Here is the latest about our Angular + Java project.
Functional automation tests for Login Page
Ensure user is on welcome page
Click logout
Ensure user is back on login page
Functional automation tests for Registration Page
Ensure user is on welcome page
Click logout
Ensure user is back on login page
It is very important for workflow applications to present data in a visually impressive way. Dashboards do give our users a quick snapshot of the important data. So, let’s take a stab at developing our dashboards.